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The Cabinet of Deplorables: Uncovering the Dark Secrets and Scandals of Trump's Administration

Cabinet Of Deplorables

The Cabinet of Deplorables is a fascinating collection of questionable characters, showcasing the darker side of human nature.

Have you ever heard of the term Cabinet of Deplorables? This phrase, made famous by former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, refers to a group of individuals who are considered to be unqualified or unfit for leadership positions. The term has resurfaced recently in discussions of the current administration's cabinet members and their actions.

While some may argue that the Cabinet of Deplorables is simply a clever turn of phrase, there is evidence to suggest that many of these individuals are indeed unsuitable for their roles. For example, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has come under fire for her lack of knowledge on basic education policy, while Environmental Protection Agency Director Scott Pruitt has been accused of disregarding scientific evidence on climate change.

But what does it mean for the country when our top leaders are unqualified or ill-suited for their positions? The implications can be widespread and long-lasting. It can lead to policies that are ineffective or harmful, as well as a loss of trust in our government institutions.

One major concern is the impact on education. As previously mentioned, Secretary DeVos has faced criticism for her lack of knowledge on basic educational policy. This could have serious consequences for American students and their ability to receive a quality education.

Another area of concern is the environment. With Director Pruitt at the helm of the EPA, we could see a rollback of important environmental protections and an increase in pollution levels. This could have disastrous effects on public health and the natural world.

So what can we do to prevent a Cabinet of Deplorables from taking hold? One solution is to demand accountability from our elected officials. We can also push for more stringent vetting processes for potential cabinet members, to ensure that they are qualified and competent for their roles.

It's also important to stay informed and engaged with politics. We can't afford to be complacent when it comes to the well-being of our country and its citizens.

In conclusion, the Cabinet of Deplorables is not just a catchy phrase; it's a serious issue that has the potential to harm our country and its people. We must take action to prevent unqualified individuals from holding positions of power. Let's demand accountability and strive for a government that truly represents the best interests of all Americans.

A Glimpse into Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables

It is no secret that President Donald Trump's administration has been controversial since its inception. From his volatile Twitter rants to his questionable policies, Trump has continuously stirred up controversy. One area that has undoubtedly caught public attention is his cabinet, composed of what Hillary Clinton once referred to as a basket of deplorables. Let's take a closer look at some of the individuals in Trump's cabinet who have been the subject of public scrutiny.

Betsy DeVos

Perhaps one of the most well-known members of Trump's cabinet is education secretary Betsy DeVos. A billionaire with no previous experience in public education, DeVos has been heavily criticized for her stance on school choice, which many see as a threat to public schools. Additionally, DeVos has been accused of having conflicts of interest and failing to enforce regulations in the department she leads.

Scott Pruitt

Scott Pruitt, who served as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency until his resignation in 2018, faced criticism for his disregard for environmental regulations and climate change denial. Pruitt was also accused of using taxpayer funds for personal expenses and security.

Wilbur Ross

Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, a wealthy businessman, has been accused of conflicts of interest and failing to divest from his financial holdings upon entering his position. He has also been criticized for inflammatory comments regarding trade, specifically with China.

Steve Mnuchin

Steve Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive and current treasury secretary, has been accused of conflicts of interest and using government resources for personal travel. He also faced backlash for his handling of the tax reform bill, which many saw as benefiting the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.

Jeff Sessions

Former attorney general Jeff Sessions faced criticism for his hardline stance on immigration and for his role in the Trump administration's zero-tolerance policy, which separated families at the U.S.-Mexico border. He was accused of perjury during his confirmation hearing regarding his contacts with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election.

Rex Tillerson

Former secretary of state Rex Tillerson, a former CEO of ExxonMobil, was criticized for his close ties to Russia and for his gutting of the State Department. Tillerson also reportedly referred to Trump as a moron, which led to his dismissal.


Trump's cabinet has been filled with controversy, with many members facing accusations of conflicts of interest, perjury, and poor job performance. The individuals listed above are just a few who have garnered public attention. Whether or not these cabinet members truly belong in a basket of deplorables is up for debate, but their actions do raise concerns about the qualifications and integrity of those appointed to the highest positions in government.

It remains to be seen what changes Trump may make going forward, but one thing is certain: the controversies surrounding his cabinet have left a lasting impact on the American political landscape.

The Cabinet of Deplorables: A Guide to Organizing Your Closet


Your closet is a reflection of your personality and style. It should be a space that inspires you and makes getting ready in the morning a breeze. However, for many of us, our closet is a cluttered mess. There are clothes we haven't worn in years, random items that have found their way in, and shoes scattered all over the floor. That's where the Cabinet of Deplorables comes in. This guide will teach you how to organize your closet and transform it into a space you'll love.

Step 1: Purge

The first step to organizing your closet is to purge. Go through everything in your closet and decide what to keep, donate, or toss. A good rule of thumb is to get rid of anything you haven't worn in the past year. Be ruthless and don't hold onto items just because you think you might wear them again someday.

Step 2: Categorize

Once you've purged your closet, it's time to categorize everything. Start by grouping your clothes by type (shirts, pants, dresses, etc.) and then within each category, group them by color. This will make finding the perfect outfit a lot easier.

Step 3: Invest in Hangers

Investing in good quality hangers will make a world of difference in your closet. Use uniform hangers to keep everything looking tidy and avoid wire hangers as they can damage your clothes.

Step 4: Use Vertical Space

Make use of the vertical space in your closet by adding shelving or hanging organizers. This will help maximize your space and keep everything easily accessible.

Step 5: Organize Your Shoes

Shoes can easily take over your closet if you're not careful. Use shoe racks or clear shoe boxes to keep everything organized and easy to see. You can even take it a step further by organizing your shoes by color or occasion.

Step 6: Use Drawer Organizers

Drawer organizers are a great way to keep small items, like socks and underwear, neat and tidy. Use them to separate items by type and label each section to make finding what you need a breeze.

Step 7: Keep It Clean

A clean closet is a happy closet. Dust and vacuum regularly to keep everything looking its best. You can also use scented sachets or dryer sheets to keep everything smelling fresh.

Step 8: Maintain

Once you've organized your closet, the key is to maintain it. Don't let things pile up and take a few minutes each week to put things back in their proper place. This will save you time in the long run and ensure that your closet stays organized.


By following these tips, you'll be able to transform your closet into a space you love. The Cabinet of Deplorables is all about purging the unnecessary, categorizing everything, and making use of the space you have. Remember to invest in good quality hangers, use vertical space, and maintain your closet to keep things neat and organized. Happy organizing!

A Comparison of the Cabinet of Deplorables


The term 'Cabinet of Deplorables' was first coined by Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign to describe supporters of then-candidate Trump. However, the term has taken on a new meaning after President Trump's election and the appointment of his cabinet members. The Cabinet of Deplorables is now used to refer to the controversial and often confrontational individuals who occupy these important positions.


The Cabinet is made up of the heads of various departments in the federal government, including the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, and Commerce, among others. These individuals are appointed by the President and must be confirmed by the Senate before taking office. However, the Cabinet has been the subject of much controversy since Trump's election due to the controversial backgrounds and policy positions of many of its members.

Comparison Table

Cabinet Member Political Background Key Policy Positions Controversies
Steve Bannon - Chief Strategist Former Executive Chairman of Breitbart News Opposed to globalization and immigration, pro-economic nationalism Accusations of anti-Semitism and racism, involvement in alt-right movement
Rex Tillerson - Secretary of State Former CEO of Exxon Mobil Skepticism of climate change, pro-business foreign policy Controversial business dealings, ties to Russia
Jeff Sessions - Attorney General Former US Senator from Alabama Opposed to legalization of marijuana, strict immigration enforcement Accusations of racism and voter suppression, involvement in Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia
Betsy DeVos - Secretary of Education Former Chair of the Michigan Republican Party Advocate for school choice and vouchers, opposed to Common Core standards Lack of experience in education policy, controversial statements on LGBT rights and gun control
Scott Pruitt - Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Former Attorney General of Oklahoma Skepticism of climate change, pro-business environmental policies Controversial ties to fossil fuel industry, failure to disclose conflict of interest in lawsuits against EPA

Analysis of Key Policy Positions

The key policy positions of the Cabinet members are largely reflective of the Trump administration's priorities, including economic nationalism, opposition to climate change regulations, and strict immigration enforcement. These policies have been met with criticism from many in the Democratic party and some moderate Republicans.

Steve Bannon's advocacy for economic nationalism and opposition to globalization has been a particularly controversial aspect of the Cabinet's policies. Many argue that such policies could lead to increased protectionism and ultimately hurt the US economy.

The administration's environmental policies have also come under scrutiny, particularly the decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. Scott Pruitt's appointment as head of the EPA has been criticized due to his opposition to environmental regulations and ties to the fossil fuel industry.


The Cabinet of Deplorables has been dogged by controversy since its inception. Many members, including Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions, have faced accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. Betsy DeVos has been criticized for her lack of experience in education policy, while Rex Tillerson's ties to Russia have raised questions about his objectivity as Secretary of State.

The issue of conflicts of interest has also been raised with several members of the Cabinet, including Pruitt and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Mnuchin's ties to Goldman Sachs and Hollywood film production have led to accusations of conflicts of interest, while Pruitt's ties to the fossil fuel industry have raised concerns about his objectivity as head of the EPA.


The Cabinet of Deplorables has been a controversial aspect of the Trump administration from the very beginning. From its policy positions to the controversies surrounding individual members, the Cabinet has been a lightning rod for criticism and dissent. As the administration continues, it remains to be seen what impact these individuals will have on US policy and global politics.

The Cabinet of Deplorables: America's Worst Nightmare

Welcome to the world of American politics, where anything can happen! It seems that the United States has reached a point where political correctness has gone too far. The rise of Donald Trump and his infamous Cabinet of Deplorables has certainly sparked controversy and many debates, and rightly so. In this blog post, we’ll be diving deep into the reasons why the Cabinet of Deplorables has become America's worst nightmare.

Firstly, let's take a moment to define exactly what the Cabinet of Deplorables is. This term refers to the group of individuals who were appointed by President Trump to serve in his administration. While some of them have already resigned, their impact on the country and its people can still be felt today.

It's crucial to mention that the appointments made by Trump drew a lot of criticism, for several reasons. One criticism was directed towards his failure to appoint a diverse and representative cabinet. Another was due to the fact that he included many people with little or no political experience in his cabinet.

In addition to the lack of qualifications, another reason why the Cabinet of Deplorables has become so problematic is the controversial views held by many of its members. For instance, Betsy DeVos, the Education Secretary, has been heavily criticized for her support of private schools, and her opposition to public ones. Similarly, Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary, has been accused of being out of touch with the average American due to his wealth.

The focus on the wealthy is something that characterizes the Cabinet of Deplorables. The majority of its members are millionaires or billionaires, who cannot relate to the everyday struggles faced by the American people- especially during economic and political turmoil. The case of Tom Price, the Health Secretary, is one example of how this lack of understanding can lead to harmful policies. Price was removed from his position over allegations of personal use of government funds when he traveled by private jet.

Moreover, The Cabinet of Deplorables has been linked to an increase in hateful behavior and violence within the United States. This is mainly due to the fact that many members, including Trump himself, have been accused of promoting sexist, racist, and xenophobic values. The travel ban put in place on seven Muslim majority countries is one example of how these policies have had a real impact on people's lives. The threat of deportation for many undocumented immigrants has also sparked fear across the country.

In conclusion, the Cabinet of Deplorables has become America's worst nightmare because of its controversial appointments, lack of qualifications, and wealth-focused nature. Additionally, the dangerous and hurtful beliefs held by some members have led to an increase in hate-filled behavior and violence. It’s up to the American people to hold their leaders accountable and continue to fight for the inclusive, diverse, and empathetic future they deserve.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Remember, keep your voice loud and your head high!

People Also Ask about Cabinet of Deplorables

What is the Cabinet of Deplorables?

The Cabinet of Deplorables is a term coined by some media outlets to refer to President Donald Trump’s administration. This term was derived from a speech made by Trump's presidential campaign opponent, Hillary Clinton. During her campaign in September 2016, she called half of Trump's supporters deplorables.

Who are included in the Cabinet of Deplorables?

The term Cabinet of Deplorables does not specifically refer to any individual or group of individuals in particular. It is generally used as a catch-all reference to the collective actions and beliefs of President Donald Trump’s administration and its supporters.

Why is the term Cabinet of Deplorables controversial?

The term Cabinet of Deplorables has been controversial because it is seen as a derogatory and demeaning way to refer to a significant portion of the American population. Many people feel that this label perpetuates division and name-calling among different political groups.

Is it appropriate to use the term Cabinet of Deplorables?

Whether or not it is appropriate to use the term Cabinet of Deplorables is a matter of personal opinion. Some people feel that it accurately describes the actions and beliefs of the Trump administration and its supporters, while others feel that it is inflammatory and divisive language that should be avoided.

What are some other terms used to describe the Trump administration?

There are many other terms used to describe the Trump administration, including the Trump White House, the Trump Administration, and the Trump Presidency. Other more critical terms include Trump’s Swamp, Trump’s Trojan Horse, and the Resistance Movement.

What is the political significance of the term Cabinet of Deplorables?

The term Cabinet of Deplorables has become politically significant because it reflects the ongoing divisiveness and polarisation in American politics. The use of this term reflects the deep-seated differences between supporters of different political parties and their leaders, which are unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.

Does the term Cabinet of Deplorables promote unity or divisiveness?

There is no consensus on whether the term Cabinet of Deplorables promotes unity or divisiveness. Some people feel that the use of this term can help to raise awareness about the negative actions and beliefs of the Trump administration and its supporters. However, others feel that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces political polarization.

People Also Ask About Cabinet Of Deplorables

What is the Cabinet of Deplorables?

The term Cabinet of Deplorables gained popularity during the 2016 United States presidential election. It was used by Hillary Clinton to describe a subset of supporters of her opponent, Donald Trump. The phrase was derived from Clinton's statement at a private fundraiser, where she referred to some of Trump's followers as a basket of deplorables.

Who are considered part of the Cabinet of Deplorables?

The term Cabinet of Deplorables does not refer to an actual group or organization. It was a rhetorical device used by Clinton to criticize a segment of Donald Trump's supporters. The phrase was meant to highlight what she saw as their negative qualities, such as racism, xenophobia, and misogyny.

Is the Cabinet of Deplorables a real political group?

No, the Cabinet of Deplorables is not a real political group or organization. It is a term that was coined during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign and popularized by Hillary Clinton's remarks. It does not represent any specific organized movement or political party.

What was the impact of using the term Cabinet of Deplorables?

The use of the term Cabinet of Deplorables by Hillary Clinton sparked controversy and became a rallying cry for some of Donald Trump's supporters. They saw it as an elitist and dismissive label that unfairly characterized them. The phrase also fueled further divisions between the two political camps during the election season.

Is the term Cabinet of Deplorables still used today?

While the term Cabinet of Deplorables was popular during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it is not commonly used in current political discourse. However, it still occasionally resurfaces in discussions or debates about the election or as a reference to that specific period in American politics.

How does the use of the term Cabinet of Deplorables reflect on Hillary Clinton's campaign?

The use of the term Cabinet of Deplorables by Hillary Clinton was seen by many as a significant misstep during her campaign. It was criticized for alienating a portion of potential voters and reinforcing the perception of Clinton as out of touch with certain segments of the population. The phrase became emblematic of the wider criticism Clinton faced regarding her messaging and the perceived disconnect from working-class Americans.