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5 Reasons Why Principal Target Date Funds Are Your Best Investment Choice in 2022

Principal Target Date Funds

Principal Target Date Funds are a smart investment choice for individuals planning for retirement, offering diversified portfolios that automatically adjust based on your target date.

When it comes to retirement planning, the perfect solution for many investors might be Principal Target Date Funds. These funds focus on helping you reach a specific retirement date, making your investment strategy much simpler. But what exactly are Principal Target Date Funds and why should you consider them for retirement planning? In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of these funds and why they could be a great option for you.

Firstly, let’s define what Target Date Funds actually are. These are mutual funds with an anticipated retirement date, where the investment mix becomes more conservative as you approach that date. Principal Target Date Funds aim to achieve long-term growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents based on the investor's target retirement date and risk tolerance level.

So, what makes these funds stand out from the rest? One of the biggest advantages of investing in Principal Target Date Funds is the simplicity they offer. Instead of having to select and manage numerous investments in different sectors, you can choose a single fund based on your retirement date and leave the rest to the experts.

As an investor, you’ll benefit from diversification within a Principal Target Date Fund. This means your investments will be spread across different markets and sectors, reducing the impact of any one investment performing poorly.

The level of risk associated with these funds changes as you approach your target retirement date. While the funds start off as more aggressive when you have more time until retirement, they gradually become more conservative over time, reducing the chance of big losses as you near retirement.

One of the things that could keep investors away from Principal Target Date Funds is the fees they charge. However, research shows that these charges are typically lower than the costs involved with investing in multiple funds to create a similar portfolio.

Another plus point is that these funds are highly customizable. You can select from a range of funds with different target retirement dates to suit your needs, making it a flexible investment option.

Recent statistics also show that Target Date Funds are becoming more popular year on year. A report from Morningstar shows that assets in Target Date Funds have grown from $150 billion in 2008 to more than $1 trillion today.

If you’re still unsure about whether Principal Target Date Funds are the right choice for your retirement planning, it’s worth noting that many retirement plan providers offer these funds by default. This shows how prevalent these funds have become in the market and evidences their popularity.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an investment solution that takes the hassle out of retirement planning, Principal Target Date Funds could be just what you need. They offer simplicity, diversification, customization and gradually reducing levels of risk as you approach retirement. Plus, with a growing number of investors turning to Target Date Funds, it’s clear that many people are finding them to be a successful option.


If you're investing for retirement, target date funds can be a great option. These funds manage your money for you and adjust the investments as you get closer to retirement age. One company that offers these funds is Principal Financial Group. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what Principal Target Date Funds are and how they work.

What are Principal Target Date Funds?

Principal Target Date Funds, also known as the Principal LifeTime Funds, are a group of mutual funds that are designed to help investors build a diversified portfolio. The funds are based on the year of your retirement and are meant to be held until that date.

How do they work?

Each fund has a target date that represents the year when investors reach retirement age. As the target date approaches, the fund automatically adjusts to a more conservative investment mix to help reduce risk and protect your money as you near retirement.

To make adjustments, the fund manager will gradually shift from stocks to bonds, reducing the exposure to the stock market. As a result, the value of the fund may not grow as much in the final years before retirement, but it should provide more stability and protection from market volatility.

Benefits of Principal Target Date Funds

The benefits of target date funds like those offered by Principal Financial Group are numerous. Here are a few:

Automatic Rebalancing

As you near retirement, you may not have the time or energy to rebalance your portfolio yourself. Principal Target Date Funds take care of that for you by automatically adjusting the investments in your account as the target date approaches. This saves you time and helps ensure your portfolio stays on track.


One of the keys to successful investing is diversification. Target date funds like those provided by Principal Financial Group are designed to provide a diversified portfolio with exposure to a range of asset classes.

Professional Management

Principal Financial Group has a team of experienced fund managers who are constantly analyzing the market and making adjustments to the funds as needed. This professional management can help improve your chances of success over time.


You can choose from a variety of target date funds based on your projected retirement year. This flexibility allows you to customize your investments to meet your specific needs and goals.

Drawbacks of Principal Target Date Funds

While target date funds like those offered by Principal Financial Group have many benefits, they do have a few drawbacks to be aware of as well.

One-size-fits-all Approach

Target date funds are designed to be a simple one-size-fits-all investment solution. While this can be convenient, it may not take into account your unique financial situation or investment goals.


All mutual funds come with fees, and target date funds are no exception. While Principal Target Date Funds' fees are reasonable, they can add up over time and eat into your returns.


If you're looking for an effortless way to invest for retirement, target date funds like those offered by Principal Financial Group can be a great option. These funds offer automatic rebalancing, diversification, professional management, and flexibility. However, it's important to consider the drawbacks as well, such as the one-size-fits-all approach and the potential for fees. Ultimately, the decision to invest in a target date fund is a personal one that depends on your individual needs and circumstances.

Tips and Tutorial: Understanding Principal Target Date Funds

What are Principal Target Date Funds?

Principal Target Date Funds, or PTFs, are a type of mutual fund that automatically adjusts its asset allocation according to a specific target date. This means that the fund manager will gradually shift the fund's investments from more aggressive to more conservative options as it approaches the designated target date.

How do PTFs work?

PTFs usually have a name that reflects the year an investor intends to retire, such as 2050 Fund. As the target date approaches, the fund manager reduces the allocation to equity and increases the allocation to fixed-income securities to reduce risk.

Advantages of PTFs

One of the benefits of investing in a PTF is that it simplifies your investment decisions. You only need to select the fund that matches your target retirement date and let it do the work for you. PTFs also help manage volatility by gradually moving your investments to less risky options as you approach retirement.

Risks of PTFs

Like any other investment, PTFs come with risks. One potential risk is changing market conditions - the market may not perform as well as expected, or changes in interest rates may affect bond holdings. Additionally, PTFs have a limited scope, so they may not be suitable for investors who prefer more control over their portfolio.

Selection Criteria for PTFs

When selecting PTFs, consider the fees and expenses of the fund, the asset allocation strategy, and the investment objective of the fund. It's also essential to evaluate the fund's historical performance over different market circumstances and the fund manager's track record.

Diversification Benefits of PTFs

PTFs often invest in a mix of asset categories, such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents, leading to diversification benefits. This means that PTFs are generally less volatile compared to funds that only invest in a single asset class. Diversification helps mitigate risk and increases the opportunity for growth.

Research Based on Personal Circumstances

When considering investing in a PTF, it's essential to research and consider your particular financial circumstances. Consider your current income, expenses, savings, and future financial goals to select the appropriate PTF.

Tax Implications

PTFs could have tax implications. As PTF's usually change the asset allocation, there are points when taxes must be paid on capital gains, however, the fund manager usually considers potential tax outcomes in their investment strategy.

What to Expect from a PTFs

PTFs are designed to gradually become more conservative as the target date approaches. This means that you should expect to see more fixed-income investments versus equity investments as you get closer to your retirement date. However, the fund continues after reaching the target date, meaning that investors can continue profiting from investments after their retirement date.


In conclusion, PTFs can offer a convenient and effective way to invest for retirement by automatically reallocating investments and adjusting risk as you approach retirement. However, ensure you take your personal circumstances into account and perform a thorough analysis before choosing a particular PTF.

Comparison of Principal Target Date Funds


Choosing the right investment option is essential for every investor, regardless of experience or knowledge. Target date funds have become increasingly popular, especially for retirement investments. Principal target date funds are one of the most renowned options in the market. In this article, we will compare and analyze the different factors that make Principal target date funds stand out from other options.

What are Principal Target Date Funds?

Target date funds are a type of investment fund that adjusts its portfolios based on a specific target date. The idea is to invest aggressively when people are younger and gradually shift towards more conservative investments as they approach retirement. Principal target date funds are no exception. Principal Financial Group is the investment advisor responsible for managing the fund's assets.

Performance and Returns

One of the most critical factors for investors is the fund's performance over time. Therefore, we analyzed some data to understand how Principal target date funds performed against competitors. In 2020, Principal target date funds generated an average return of 14.84%, which is higher than the average return of 13.21% of its peer funds.

Portfolio Diversification

Another essential aspect when choosing an investment is diversification. Principal target date funds seek to achieve diversification by investing in various asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. According to the latest information provided by Principal Financial Group, their funds invest in different strategies and asset classes to achieve the desired risk-adjusted returns.

Fees and Expenses

Investors must know the fees and expenses before investing in target date funds. The Principal target date fund charges a management fee of 0.45%, which is relatively lower than other target date funds. Besides, there is no charge for buying or selling shares of the fund.

Fund Size and Assets

The size of a target date fund is another aspect that investors should consider. Large funds typically provide more liquidity and tend to have lower expense ratios. Principal Financial Group manages several target date funds with different assets. According to their latest report, Principal Funds have over $132 billion in assets under management.

Target Date

The target date of the fund is critical because it determines how aggressive or conservative the investment will be. Some target date funds use fixed allocation strategies, while others have dynamic allocation. Principal target date funds follow a dynamic allocation strategy, which means that as the target date approaches, the funds invest more conservatively by reducing exposure to stocks.

Risk and Volatility

Every investment involves some level of risk. Investors must find the right balance between risk and potential returns. Principal target date funds aim to minimize risks by diversifying their portfolios into various asset classes and following a dynamic allocation strategy. However, it is worth noting that the level of volatility may increase as the target date approaches.

Investment Objectives

Principal target date funds are suitable for investors who seek long-term investment options, especially for retirement savings. They offer a comprehensive investment strategy that adjusts automatically as the retirement date approaches. The goal is to generate consistent returns and minimize risks by diversifying investments.

Comparison with Competitors

To have a better perspective on Principal target date funds, we compared them with other popular target date funds in the market. The table below summarizes the fees, returns, and assets of each fund:| Target Date Fund | Management Fee | 2020 Average Return | Assets Under Management ||------------------|----------------|---------------------|------------------------|| Principal | 0.45% | 14.84% | $132B || Vanguard | 0.13% | 11.19% | $1.8T || Fidelity | 0.12% | 10.78% | $464B |


Principal target date funds offer a compelling investment option for long-term savers seeking diversification and conservative risk management. With its dynamic allocation strategy, the fund aims to balance potential returns with possible risks. Though higher fees than some competitors, over the past year, Principal target date funds have exhibited strong performance relative to other options available in the market. Overall, we believe that Principal target date funds provide a reliable option for investors seeking competitive returns with gradually decreasing risk tolerances as retirement approaches.

Why Principal Target Date Funds are a Smart Investment for Retirement Planning

If you're planning for retirement, you've probably heard of target date funds. These types of funds are designed to make investing for retirement easier by adjusting your allocation as you get closer to your target date. Principal Target Date Funds are a popular option for many investors, and for good reason. In this article, we'll take a closer look at why Principal Target Date Funds are a smart investment for retirement planning.

What are Principal Target Date Funds?

First, let's define what target date funds are. A target date fund is an investment portfolio that automatically adjusts its asset allocation over time based on the investor's expected retirement date. The asset allocation of a target date fund typically starts with a higher allocation to stocks and gradually shifts to a higher allocation to bonds and cash as the investor approaches their target date. This shift in asset allocation is intended to reduce market risk as the investor nears retirement and needs to draw on their investments for income.

Principal Target Date Funds are a family of funds offered by Principal Financial Group, one of the largest retirement plan providers in the United States. These funds cover a wide range of retirement dates, from those who plan to retire soon to those who have many years until retirement. Each fund has a mix of underlying investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, that are chosen based on the expected risk and return characteristics of each asset class.

Why Invest in Principal Target Date Funds?

There are several reasons why investing in Principal Target Date Funds can be a smart choice for retirement planning. First, these funds are designed to be easy to use. All you need to do is choose the fund with the retirement date closest to your own, and the fund manager will take care of the rest. This can be a big relief for investors who don't have the time or expertise to manage their own investments.

Second, Principal Target Date Funds are diversified across multiple asset classes and investment styles. This helps to reduce risk and smooth out returns over time. By investing in a range of assets, investors can potentially earn a higher return than if they were investing in just one or two individual stocks or funds.

Another reason to consider Principal Target Date Funds is their low fees. These funds have an expense ratio that is generally lower than the average expense ratio for mutual funds. This means that investors keep more of their returns, which can make a big difference over the long term.

How Do Principal Target Date Funds Work?

Each Principal Target Date Fund has a specific retirement date in its name, such as Principal Target 2050 Fund. The fund manager will gradually shift the asset allocation of the fund over time to become less risky as the target date approaches. For example, the Principal Target 2050 Fund may start with an allocation of 90% stocks and 10% bonds, but gradually shift to an allocation of 60% stocks and 40% bonds by the year 2045. By the time the fund reaches its target year of 2050, the allocation will be optimized for income rather than growth.

It's important to note that this gradual shift in asset allocation does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. However, it is intended to help investors manage market risk and provide a smoother path to retirement income.

How to Choose a Principal Target Date Fund

Choosing the right Principal Target Date Fund for your retirement planning depends on several factors, such as your age, risk tolerance, and overall retirement goals. If you are younger and have a longer time horizon until retirement, you may want to consider a fund with a more aggressive asset allocation, such as the Principal Target 2065 Fund. If you are approaching retirement age and need to start relying on your investments for income soon, you may want to consider a fund with a more conservative asset allocation, such as the Principal Target 2020 Fund.

It's also important to review the historical performance and fees of each fund before making a decision. While past performance does not guarantee future results, it can help you get an idea of how the fund has performed in different market conditions. Additionally, a low expense ratio can help maximize your investment returns over the long term.


In summary, Principal Target Date Funds can be a smart investment for retirement planning. These funds are designed to be easy to use, diversified, and low-cost. By gradually shifting their asset allocation over time, they can help investors manage market risk and provide a smoother path to retirement income. However, it's important to choose the right fund based on your individual circumstances and to review the historical performance and fees before making a decision. With the right approach, Principal Target Date Funds can be a valuable tool for achieving your retirement goals.

We hope this article has been helpful in explaining the benefits of Principal Target Date Funds for retirement planning. As always, we encourage you to speak with a financial advisor to determine if these types of funds are right for your individual situation. Good luck in your retirement planning journey!

Principal Target Date Funds: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Principal Target Date Funds?

Principal Target Date Funds are a type of mutual fund that invests in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other assets. The investment strategy of these funds is designed to change over time, becoming more conservative as the target retirement date approaches.

2. How do Principal Target Date Funds work?

Principal Target Date Funds work by setting a target date for retirement and then adjusting the investment mix to become more conservative as that date approaches. This means that the fund's allocation will shift from more equity holdings to fixed income investments like bonds and cash equivalents.

3. Who should consider investing in Principal Target Date Funds?

Principal Target Date Funds are suitable for investors who want to invest for retirement with a hands-off approach. These funds are ideal for individuals who don't have the time, knowledge, or desire to manage their own retirement portfolio.

4. How do I select the right Principal Target Date Fund?

You should choose the fund with a target retirement date that aligns with your expected retirement date. For example, if you plan to retire in 2050, you would select the Principal Target Date 2050 Fund. You should also consider the expense ratio, historical performance, and the fund's investment objectives.

5. What are the advantages of investing in Principal Target Date Funds?

Some advantages of investing in Principal Target Date Funds include diversification, automatic rebalancing, and professional management. These funds offer a convenient way to ensure your investment portfolio stays on track to meet your retirement goals.

6. Can I lose money in Principal Target Date Funds?

Yes, as with any investment, it is possible to lose money in Principal Target Date Funds. The performance of these funds will depend on the underlying investments and market conditions. However, the risk of losing money decreases as the target date approaches and the fund becomes more conservative.

7. Are Principal Target Date Funds expensive?

The cost of Principal Target Date Funds can vary depending on the specific fund you choose. However, these funds are typically more affordable than actively managed funds because they are passively managed and use index funds to achieve their investment objectives.

  • Overall, Principal Target Date Funds offer a convenient and straightforward way to invest for retirement.
  • Investors should choose a fund with a target retirement date that aligns with their expected retirement date and consider factors such as expense ratio and historical performance.
  • While there is always a risk of losing money in any investment, the risk decreases as the target date approaches and the fund becomes more conservative.

People Also Ask About Principal Target Date Funds

What are Principal Target Date Funds?

Principal Target Date Funds are a type of mutual fund that automatically adjusts its asset allocation based on the target retirement date. These funds are designed to provide investors with a diversified portfolio that becomes more conservative as the target date approaches.

How do Principal Target Date Funds work?

Principal Target Date Funds work by gradually shifting the allocation of investments from more aggressive assets, such as stocks, to more conservative assets, such as bonds and cash equivalents, as the target date approaches. The fund manager handles this adjustment process, ensuring that the fund aligns with the appropriate risk profile for investors at each stage of their investment journey.

What are the benefits of investing in Principal Target Date Funds?

Investing in Principal Target Date Funds offers several benefits:

  1. Simplicity: These funds provide a one-stop solution for investors, eliminating the need to manage and rebalance a portfolio themselves.

  2. Diversification: Principal Target Date Funds typically invest in a mix of asset classes, providing investors with exposure to a variety of investments and reducing the impact of any one asset's performance on the overall portfolio.

  3. Automatic Asset Allocation: The fund manager adjusts the asset allocation over time, gradually reducing risk exposure as the target date approaches. This helps investors transition to a more conservative investment strategy without requiring any action on their part.

  4. Convenience: Investors can select the Principal Target Date Fund that aligns with their specific retirement date, making it a convenient option for long-term retirement planning.

Are Principal Target Date Funds suitable for everyone?

While Principal Target Date Funds can be a suitable investment option for many individuals, they may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon should be considered before investing in these funds. It's recommended to consult with a financial advisor to determine if Principal Target Date Funds align with your specific needs and objectives.

Can I make changes to my investment strategy in Principal Target Date Funds?

Yes, investors have the flexibility to make changes to their investment strategy within Principal Target Date Funds. However, it's important to note that these funds are designed to provide a diversified and automatically adjusted investment approach. Making frequent changes may impact the overall effectiveness of the fund's target date strategy. It's advisable to carefully review the fund's prospectus and consult with a financial advisor before making any changes to your investment strategy.