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Unlock Your Potential: Mastering the Target Employment Assessment Answers for Career Success

Target Employment Assessment Answers

Looking for answers to the Target Employment Assessment? Get expert guidance and tips to ace the assessment and secure your dream job at Target.

Are you interested in pursuing a career at Target? Are you curious about the Target Employment Assessment and how you can ace it?

If so, you're in luck. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the Target Employment Assessment, including possible questions and answers.

But first, let's talk about why the assessment is so important. Did you know that according to recent statistics, only around 3% of applicants are hired by Target? That's a pretty low number, which means you need to make sure you stand out from the crowd.

The Target Employment Assessment is designed to test your skills, personality, and knowledge. The assessment is made up of various sections, including situational judgment, personality, and cognitive ability tests. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

Now, onto the main event – possible questions and answers you may encounter in the Target Employment Assessment. Here's a tip – make sure to review common retail interview questions and practice answering them beforehand.

One question you may be asked is, How do you handle a difficult customer? Be prepared to discuss how you would remain calm and professional while addressing the customer's needs.

Another popular question is, Why do you want to work at Target? Don't just say because you need a job. Instead, focus on why Target stands out in the retail industry, its commitment to customer service, or even its community involvement.

Transitioning to the next section – a great way to prepare for the Target Employment Assessment is to review the company's values and mission statement. Target prides itself on adhering to a high set of values, including inclusivity, teamwork, and respect

You may be asked how you demonstrate these values in your personal and professional life. Make sure to highlight specific examples, such as volunteering for a charity or collaborating effectively with a team on a project.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the assessment has a section dedicated to scenarios you may face while working at Target. These situational judgment questions will ask you to choose the best course of action in various scenarios.

For example, you may be presented with a scenario where a coworker is falling behind on their tasks, and you must decide whether to confront them or speak with a manager. Your answer should demonstrate your problem-solving skills and ability to balance conflicting priorities.

So there you have it – an overview of the Target Employment Assessment and some possible questions you may encounter. Now, how can you make sure you ace the assessment?

First, review common retail interview questions and practice your answers. Second, research Target's values and mission statement and think about how you embody them. And finally, don't forget to take your time during the assessment and thoroughly read each question before responding.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the Target Employment Assessment and how you can best prepare for it. With the right mindset and preparation, you'll be one step closer to starting your career at Target.

Maximizing your potential at Target

Applying for a job can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have no idea what to expect in the interview process. Fortunately, Target's Employment Assessment is open to the public and offers a comprehensive way to highlight your strengths and improve your weaknesses.

Understanding the assessment

The assessment is divided into three sections: numeric reasoning, situational judgment, and behavioral style. Numerical reasoning tests your ability to analyze data and interpret graphs, while the situational judgment assesses your decision-making skills in work-related scenarios. Finally, the behavioral-style section aims to understand your personality traits and how they may impact your work habits.

It's essential to note that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. However, your responses should align with the core values of Target, including teamwork, communication, responsiveness, and respect.


Before starting the assessment, it's essential to take time to prepare. Research Target's mission statement, core values and ensure you have a clear understanding of what the job entails. Furthermore, consider practicing critical thinking and problem-solving exercises beforehand to help prepare you for the scenarios likely presented in the situational judgment section.

Maximizing your scores

To maximize your results, read each question thoroughly and make sure you understand what it's asking before selecting an answer. When answering the behavioral-style questions, try to imagine yourself in different work-related scenarios and how you would react to uch. Moreover, using descriptive and concise language when answering each question will indicate that you have good communication and writing skills, making you a suitable candidate for the job.

Answer samples

While there is no one set answer that will guarantee success, it's helpful to review possible answers to approach each question effectively.

Imagine that you are working on a project with a team. However, one team member is consistently behind on their work or not performing up to expectations. How would you handle the situation?

A detailed response could read as follows:

While it's important to have open communication with my teammates, I would first assess why this person may be falling behind or struggling. Depending on the reasons presented, I would either try to help them catch up by offering assistance or speak with management about how best to address the issue without creating conflict within the team. Overall, my goal would be to maintain team cohesion and ensure all members can complete the job successfully.

The bottom line

Ultimately, the Employment Assessment is designed to help determine which candidates would best fit the job requirements and Target's values. Preparing beforehand and approaching each question thoughtfully can showcase your strengths and potential, leading to increased job opportunities and growth within the company.

Remember, there's no need to stress over the assessment; instead, see it as an opportunity to highlight your skills and prove why you're the best fit for the job. Good luck!

Target Employment Assessment Answers – Tips and Tutorial


The Target Corporation is one of the largest retail chains in the United States with over 1,900 stores. If you are looking to join the team at Target or have already got an interview for a position, you might be asked to take a pre-employment assessment. Depending on the nature of the job, the employment assessment could be a predictor of your future success. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help guide you on how to tackle the Target employment assessment.

Understanding the Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of the Target employment assessment is to shorten the recruitment process by finding the right candidates for the job. The assessment measures personality traits that are important to the role in question, including honesty, reliability, work ethics, communication skills, and customer service orientation. The questions may be situational or behavioral, and the answers allow Target to understand the candidate’s thought process when presented with challenges.

Types of Assessments

There are two types of Target employment assessments, the Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) and the Personality Test. The CAT is a timed, multiple-choice exam designed to assess cognitive abilities such as numerical, verbal, and analytical reasoning. The second type of assessment is the Personality Test that measures the applicant's attitude, behaviors, and motivational profile. It's vital to study and prepare for these tests before taking them.

Tips for CAT Test

-The CAT test is designed explicitly to assess critical problem-solving, and cognitive abilities make sure you solve quickly and accurately.-Develop time management strategies and prioritize tasks to maximize efficiency.-Practice timed tests to ensure you adequately prepare for the CAT test.-Read the instruction, every question has essential information that is crucial for your overall understanding.-Answer all questions even if you're not sure; a guess may result in getting points.

Tips for Personality Test

To ace the Target's Personality test, you need to understand how the test works and what kind of traits they are assessing. Here are some tips:- Be honest and provide answers that align with your actual personality; avoid trying to answer with what you think Target wants to hear.- Read the questions carefully, be thorough and attentive when the query is presented.- Follow instructions and complete the test in one sitting, in a quiet and distraction-free environment.- Avoid extreme responses and take time before answering. Think through your response before clicking a button.- Stay calm throughout the assessment; avoiding rushing or guessing.


Your performance on the Target employment assessment is a significant factor in the recruitment process. Preparing adequately is the key to success. Ensure you understand what test you will undertake and concentrate on improving your weaknesses. Remember, honesty is always the best policy in personality tests, and there is no right or wrong answer for situational questions. The critical thing to remember is to remain positive, be yourself, stay relaxed and approach every question with a clear and focused mindset.

Target Employment Assessment Answers: An In-Depth Comparison

Target Corporation is a well-known American retailer, operating throughout the United States. With over 1,800 stores across the country, Target is known for its household and clothing items that cater to consumers with affordable price points. The company is also known for its dedication towards providing top-notch services to customers through its staff. If you're planning to be a part of their team, it is important to know what to expect during the employment assessment. Read on to learn more about Target's employment assessment answers and compare them to one another.

The Scenario-Based Questions

Target's scenario-based questions revolve around particular but significant incidents that might occur while working on the job. Most of these questions require the applicant to analyze the situation and identify the most appropriate solution from the given options. For example, a question could explain a scenario where a customer returns an item they've damaged, and asks for a refund. As an employee, how would you handle this situation? These types of questions usually test your critical thinking skills and your ability to take charge in high-pressure situations. It is important to always provide well-thought-out responses, and make sure you answer the question from the perspective of someone who will represent Target's values and core ethos.

The Multiple Choice Questions

Target's multiple-choice questions are the most straightforward type of questions that appear on the assessment. They often involve technical queries, such as measuring how well you understand workflow procedures, and customer service-related queries. One example of a query that falls under this category could be an inquiry of how do you greet customers? These questions summarize the essential criteria that Target looks for in its employees, and it is essential to refresh your mind before answering to get them right.

The Competency-Based Questions

Target's competency-based questions challenge you to describe scenarios from previous jobs or experiences in a precise and concise way. Examples of queries that fall under the competency-based questions category might be Describe a time you had to work with people who have completely different personalities, What challenges did you face, and what measures did you take? The critical consideration involves providing real-life scenarios from your past job roles that show off how well you handle specific situations.

Video Interview

Finally, an additional component of the Target employment assessment is a video interview. The video interview affords you the opportunity to showcase not just your abilities and experiences but also to express who you are and how much you value the principles Target prioritizes. To pass the video interview process, research the company's agenda, and review previous employees' testimonials in preparation for answering questions on your experience and suitability for the role. You will be able to record your videos at your own pace, and present yourself in the best possible light.

Comparison Table

Categories Scenario-Based Questions Multiple Choice Questions Competency-Based Questions Video Interview
Cognitive skills Measured Critical Thinking Technical Queries Past Experience Scenarios Personality and Confidence
Purpose To understand how applicants approach specific situations at work To assess technical knowledge and customer service skills To gather a candidate's past experience and demonstrate how well they can adapt to certain situations To highlight one's personal attributes and values that conform with Target's culture
Approach Present the problem and choices, candidate chooses most suitable answer Candidates are given several options, and select the best solution from them Candidates need to recite a sample scenario from their previous roles of solving the given problem. Candidates must express themselves via webcam and make it evident that they possess the required energy and values of The Target.
Difficulty Level Slightly challenging Rather easy Moderate to difficult Easy to moderate
Purpose Lower level roles such as Cashier or Stocker positions All positions Leadership Positions All position especially higher level roles or management roles


Based on the results elucidated in this comparison, Target's employment assessment is quite diverse in the forms of questions they pose to candidates before hiring them. Each type of query measures specific cognitive skills and expertise, such as customer service orientation, critical thinking, and technical knowhow. In addition, the video interview is a surefire way to hire quality personnel with matching the company's principles without being physically present. To ensure a better chance of passing the Target employment assessment, here are a few tips: research the company culture, reflect on your past work-related experiences, and practice situational evaluation techniques. If you adhere to these guidelines, you will excel in Target's employment assessment, giving you a better opportunity to be hired!

Target Employment Assessment Answers: Everything You Need to Know

If you are pursuing a career at Target, you will likely undergo an employment assessment before you can land the job. While some applicants may find it challenging to complete such assessments, others have found them useful in developing preparedness for the actual job.

Understanding what to expect on the Target employment assessment can significantly improve your success chances. This article will provide you with a comprehensive insight into everything you need to know about the assessment and how to prepare for it.

What is Target Employment Assessment?

Target employment assessment is a form of psychometric test that assesses the cognitive abilities, work skills, and behavior of potential employees at Target Corporation.

There are two types of Target employment assessments: the target general employment assessment (GMA) and the target style assessment (TSA).

What to Expect in the GMA Assessment?

If you are taking the GMA assessment, expect a set of analytics tests that evaluate your cognitive aptitude. The test comprises four parts: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Visual-Spatial Reasoning. Each section includes up to 20 questions, with a 45-minute time limit for the entire exam.

The verbal reasoning section tests your ability to use and understand written texts and identify relationships between ideas or concepts. Numerical Reasoning evaluates your grasp on numerical data and your capability to identify patterns and logical relationships in problems. Logical Reasoning assesses your critical thinking and deductive reasoning abilities. Visual-Spatial Reasoning measures your sense of space and depth perception.

What to Expect in the TSA Assessment?

TSA aims to assess your motivation, compatibility, and personality fit within the Target work environment. Similar to Target GMA, the TSA test comprises four sections that aim to assess your behavioral responses to situations you may come across as an employee at Target.

The TSA assessment asks questions that give different scenarios and then ask your preference. It is a type of psychometric test aimed at pinpointing traits such as customer orientation, team management skills, culture fit, logical thinking, and flexibility.

How Are Scores Calculated on the Target Employment Assessment?

The GMA test score depends on the number of correct answers you provide. That means you do not lose points for incorrect responses. The scores range from 0 to 50, with 28 being the least passing score.

For TSA, the scores are seldom explicitly graded; instead, they are used to evaluate your ability to adapt to the company's culture and work demands. The scoring system delivers an overview of your strengths and weaknesses.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Chances of Passing the Target Employment Assessment?

While it may be overwhelming to undertake the Target employment assessment exam, there are options available for you to prepare and boost your chances of success.

Firstly, ensure you familiarize yourself with the company's culture and values before taking the TSA. Browse through the company's mission statements and strategic objectives, which can help you learn more about your potential employer and what is expected of you.

It is also vital to familiarize yourself with the test format and structure by taking practice tests online or using resources like the job application kit provided on Target's website.

Take time to read and understand each problem in the GMA section before you start answering. As much as possible, eliminate distractions, focus on the problem at hand, and take the time to grasp the question. Speed is essential, but accuracy matters even more.

What Happens After the Target Employment Assessment?

After taking the assessment, you will receive feedback on your performance. If you score badly or do not exceed Target's passing threshold, you may have to take the test again or take an alternative exam to demonstrate your suitability for the job.

Above all, target your preparation towards understanding your cognitive aptitude, personality fit, and behavior. Position yourself as the right candidate for the position by demonstrating exceptional communication skills, attention to detail, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and other relevant traits that Target expects of its employees.


Target Employment Assessment can be intimidating for some applicants, and understandably so. However, understanding the company's culture and values, familiarizing yourself with the test structure, and practicing extensively can significantly improve your chances of success.

Keep calm and focused during the test, answer each question thoughtfully, and eliminate distractions to optimize your time management. Additionally, showcase your strengths and passions and illustrate how your work style complements Target's values to set yourself on the path to a successful career at the corporation.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the Target employment assessment and what you need to succeed as a potential employee. Reach out to us for more information or advice on how to prepare for the Target employment assessment.

People Also Ask About Target Employment Assessment Answers

What is the Target Employment Assessment?

The Target Employment Assessment is a test given to potential employees that measures their skills, abilities, and knowledge. It includes questions on customer service, problem-solving, collaboration, and leadership.

How long does the assessment take?

The assessment takes approximately 60-90 minutes to complete.

What type of questions are on the assessment?

The assessment includes multiple-choice questions and scenario-based questions that measure your skills and abilities relevant to the job you're applying for. The questions will assess your critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and communication skills.

What is a passing score on the assessment?

There is no set passing score for the assessment as it varies depending on the position you're applying for. However, it's important to note that the assessment is just one part of the hiring process, and a low score doesn't necessarily disqualify you from getting the job.

Can I prepare for the assessment?

Yes, you can prepare for the assessment by reviewing common interview questions and practicing your problem-solving and communication skills. You may also find online practice tests that can help you become more familiar with the types of questions on the assessment.

What should I do if I don't pass the assessment?

If you don't pass the assessment, don't worry. You can always reapply for the job in the future or apply for a different position within the company. Additionally, you can ask for feedback on your performance to identify areas where you need to improve.

Does everyone have to take the assessment?

No, not everyone has to take the assessment. The assessment is typically given to candidates applying for positions in customer service, sales, and management roles. Positions that don't require extensive interaction with customers may not require an assessment.

What happens after I complete the assessment?

After you complete the assessment, your results will be reviewed by a hiring manager who will determine if you meet the qualifications for the job you applied for. If you are selected for an interview, the hiring manager may ask you additional questions to further assess your skills and abilities.

  • The Target Employment Assessment measures a candidate's skills, abilities, and knowledge relevant to the position they are applying for.

  • The assessment takes 60-90 minutes to complete and includes multiple-choice and scenario-based questions.

  • There is no set passing score for the assessment as it varies depending on the position applied for.

  • Candidates can prepare for the assessment by practicing their problem-solving and communication skills and reviewing common interview questions.

  • If a candidate doesn't pass the assessment, they may reapply for the job in the future or ask for feedback on their performance.

  • Not everyone has to take the assessment, only those applying for specific customer service, sales, and management roles.

  • After completing the assessment, hiring managers review the results and determine if candidates meet the qualifications for the position.

People Also Ask About Target Employment Assessment Answers

1. What is the Target employment assessment?

The Target employment assessment is a standardized test used by Target Corporation as part of their hiring process. It is designed to assess the skills, knowledge, and abilities of applicants to ensure they are a good fit for the company.

2. What does the Target employment assessment consist of?

The Target employment assessment consists of various sections, including aptitude tests, personality assessments, and situational judgment scenarios. These sections aim to evaluate an applicant's cognitive abilities, behavioral traits, and problem-solving skills.

3. How long does the Target employment assessment take?

The duration of the Target employment assessment can vary depending on the specific position and the number of sections included. On average, it takes about 60-90 minutes to complete.

4. How should I prepare for the Target employment assessment?

To prepare for the Target employment assessment, it is recommended to review the company's values, policies, and customer service principles. You can also practice aptitude tests, research situational judgment scenarios, and familiarize yourself with common interview questions.

5. Are there any sample questions available for the Target employment assessment?

Yes, Target provides sample questions and practice tests on their official website. These resources can help you become familiar with the format and types of questions you may encounter during the assessment.

6. How are the results of the Target employment assessment used in the hiring process?

The results of the Target employment assessment are used alongside other factors, such as interviews and qualifications, to evaluate an applicant's suitability for a specific position. They help Target identify candidates who possess the necessary skills and traits to succeed in the company.

7. Can I retake the Target employment assessment if I am not satisfied with my results?

The retake policy for the Target employment assessment may vary. It is best to contact Target's human resources department or the hiring manager to inquire about their specific policies regarding retaking the assessment.

8. How long does it take to receive the results of the Target employment assessment?

The timeframe for receiving the results of the Target employment assessment can vary. It is advisable to reach out to the hiring manager or human resources department for an estimated timeline.

9. Is the Target employment assessment difficult?

The difficulty level of the Target employment assessment can vary depending on the individual's skills and experience. It is designed to challenge applicants and assess their abilities, but with proper preparation and practice, it is possible to perform well.

10. How important is the Target employment assessment in the hiring process?

The Target employment assessment holds significance in the hiring process as it provides valuable insights into an applicant's capabilities and potential fit within the company. While it is not the sole determining factor, it plays a crucial role in evaluating a candidate's suitability for the position.