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Lone Target Full Episode: Intense Survival Challenge Stars Military Expert Joel Lambert

Lone Target Full Episode

Watch the full episode of Lone Target and join former Navy SEAL Joel Lambert as he evades capture by elite military forces in thrilling real-life scenarios.

Do you love intense action, adventure, and survival TV shows? If yes, then you must have heard about Lone Target full episode. This popular TV show is full of thrilling challenges, life-threatening situations, and incredible stunts. In this article, we are going to discuss why Lone Target is a must-watch show for adventure lovers. So, let's dive deep into the world of Lone Target!

Firstly, let us tell you that Lone Target is not just any other reality TV show. It's a real-life military exercise that's designed to train special operatives. The aim is to survive in harsh terrains and evade capture while completing various missions. Doesn't it sound exciting already?

The show is hosted by ex-Navy Seal Joel Lambert, who is known for his exceptional survival skills and strategic mindset. He is given a head start before being chased by a team of military and law enforcement agencies. His ultimate goal is to evade them all for 48 hours and complete the assigned mission successfully. Will he succeed? That's what makes Lone Target a nail-biting show to watch.

What's even more interesting is that each episode is set in a different location, ranging from dense forests to urban cities to isolated islands. This makes every episode unique and unpredictable. You never know what kind of challenges Joel Lambert will face in each episode. But one thing is for sure – he'll always find a way to survive.

If you think that this show is only for men, then you're wrong. Women can be equally fierce and strategic when it comes to survival. One of the episodes in Lone Target features female operative, Amber Hargrove, who successfully evaded the chasers for 36 hours. It just goes on to show that gender doesn't matter when it comes to survival.

Moreover, Lone Target is not just about survival skills. It's also about mental and physical toughness. Joel Lambert undergoes rigorous training before each episode to prepare himself for the challenges ahead. He has to rely on his instincts, quick thinking, and problem-solving abilities to emerge victorious.

It's also fascinating to watch how Joel Lambert uses the environment to his advantage. He hides in plain sight, creates diversions, uses camouflage and misdirections, everything possible to outsmart his chasers. You'll be amazed at how his mind works when he's in a tight spot.

Did you know that Lone Target has won several awards and nominations? It has been critically acclaimed for its high production value, intense action sequences, and authentic portrayal of military tactics. It has also been praised for showcasing the mental and physical challenges that soldiers face in real-life situations. So, if you're a fan of quality television, then Lone Target is a must-watch show for you.

In conclusion, Lone Target is a heart-pounding, adrenaline-fueled TV show that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a perfect combination of action, adventure, and survival skills. If you're tired of watching mindless reality shows and want something that challenges your mind and imagination, then Lone Target is the solution you've been looking for. Do yourself a favor and watch an episode – you won't regret it!

Lone Target Full Episode: An exhilarating journey into the unknown

For anyone looking for adventure and excitement, the Lone Target Full Episode is the perfect dose of both. This amazing TV show takes viewers on a thrilling journey as former Navy SEAL, Joel Lambert, puts his survival skills to the test by becoming the target of elite military teams from around the world.

The Plot

The show follows Lambert, who is dropped in an unknown location with nothing but his survival kit, and his mission is to evade capture by a team of elite hunters trained and equipped to track and detain him. The show is not scripted, and every episode is unique, providing real-time insight into one man's survival instincts being put to the test.

From deserts to jungles, Lambert finds himself in various hostile environments, having to rely on his unparalleled training and knowledge to avoid detection and capture. The show provides a glimpse of how the military operates in different countries while also testing Lambert's ability to think on his feet, strategize, and outmaneuver his adversaries.

The Thrill

The thrill that the Lone Target Full Episode brings to the table is unmatched. There are no Hollywood sets or special effects, and everything happening on screen is pure reality. The show is as realistic as it gets, and fans of action-packed movies and shows will love it.

Joel Lambert is a seasoned veteran with a wealth of experience in survival combat. His years of training to become a Navy SEAL have equipped him with the skills to tackle any situation thrown at him. Watching him navigate through the wilderness, evade detection, and survive on his own, is both inspiring and entertaining.

The Lessons

While the Lone Target Full Episode is a great source of entertainment, it also teaches valuable lessons. The show emphasizes the importance of situational awareness, resourcefulness, and quick thinking, all qualities that Joel Lambert excels in.

The show illustrates the importance of having a good survival kit, with essential items such as water, food, shelter, and navigation tools, all playing a critical role in ensuring survival in the wild.

The Takeaway

The Lone Target Full Episode is an excellent source of inspiration for anyone looking to develop skills in survival combat. The show provides practical lessons on situational awareness, strategy, and quick decision-making, all vital qualities for anyone looking to excel in outdoor activities.

The show is also a great source of entertainment, providing viewers with a front-row seat to a thrilling and suspenseful journey through harsh environments. For those who love the outdoors, or for anyone looking for an adrenaline rush, the Lone Target Full Episode is a must-watch.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, the Lone Target Full Episode offers a unique bounty of adventure and excitement that is hard to find anywhere else. This amazing show offers valuable survival lessons while also delivering a thrilling experience that promises to leave you at the edge of your seat.

So, if you're an adventure seeker or simply looking for some excitement, the Lone Target Full Episode is definitely worth your time. With its unmatched realism, intense action, and valuable lessons, there is no doubt that this show will leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it.

Tips and Tricks for Watching Lone Target Full Episodes


If you're looking for an adrenaline-filled TV show that sends shivers down your spine, then Lone Target is the perfect show for you. The show features a former Navy Seal, Joel Lambert, who attempts to escape and evade capture from elite military units. However, if you want to enjoy it to the fullest, you should follow some tips and tricks on how to watch Lone Target.

1. Know What the Show is About:

Before watching the first episode of the show, make sure you know what it's about. Lone Target is an American TV show that pits former Navy Seal, Joel Lambert, against elite military units from around the world. He has to go into hostile territories and compete with the best the military has to offer.

2. Check the Episode List:

Check the list of episodes to ensure that you're watching them in order. The show involves going through different terrains, locations and military factions. Start with the first episode and work your way up the list.

3. Don't Skip the Introduction:

It is essential to watch the introduction before beginning each episode. The introduction provides crucial background information on the location and situation of the upcoming episode. It's also where Joel introduces himself and gives viewers a glimpse into his mindset.

4. Pay Attention to Details:

Lone Target is a show full of action, excitement and suspense. However, don't become so consumed by the action that you forget to look out for significant details. Especially during episodes involving urban areas, keeping track of the layout of the environment can be the difference between capture and escape.

5. Listen to the Narration and Music:

The narration and music in Lone Target is crucial to the show's overall experience. Paying attention to them heightens the show's suspense and adds to the excitement. The music, for example, changes with every situation, making each episode unique.

6. Take Breaks Between Episodes:

Watching multiple episodes back to back can be tiring and spoil the fun. To keep your focus and energy level up, consider taking a break after each episode. Use this time to stretch, take fresh air or grab a snack.

7. Watch in Full-Screen Mode:

To help get fully immersed in the show, watch it in full-screen mode. This way, any external distractions will be reduced or eliminated entirely, allowing you to focus on watching.

8. Keep Your Phone Out of Sight:

It's important to keep your phones and other mobile devices out of sight while watching Lone Target. This will help you avoid any interruptions and enjoy the show's thrilling moments.

9. Let Yourself Be Surprised:

Lone Target is designed to surprise viewers, and Joel Lambert is a master in shocks and surprises. As such, try not to look at spoilers or summaries of upcoming episodes. Allow yourself to experience the show fully, and let the events unfold naturally.

10. Enjoy the Ride:

Above all, remember to enjoy the show! Lone Target is meant to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for viewers. Embrace the adrenaline rush and the heart-pumping moments that only watching Joel evade military elites can bring.


Following these tips and tricks will ensure that you get the most out of watching Lone Target. Remember to start with Episode 1, pay attention to details, take breaks, and stay immersed in the experience. With these tips, you'll soon become a pro-Lone Target viewer and enjoy the show to the fullest.

Comparison Blog Article: Lone Target Full Episode


If you’re into action-packed TV shows, then Lone Target is probably on your radar. The series, which premiered in 2014, follows former Navy SEAL Joel Lambert as he puts his survival skills to the test in hostile environments around the globe. Today, we’ll be comparing two Lone Target full episodes “Africa” (Season 1) and “Colombia” (Season 2). Both episodes are different in terms of location, challenges, and outcomes. Let's dive in.


As the name suggests, the Africa episode was filmed in the vast wilderness of Zambia, while the Colombia episode takes place in the dense jungles of South America. One of the key differences is that the Africa episode is set in the savannah region, which means Joel has to navigate through wide-open fields while keeping an eye out for predators like lions, hyenas, and elephants. On the other hand, the Colombia episode is all about traversing thick vegetation and crossing rivers filled with caimans.


Both episodes have their fair share of difficulties, but the Colombia episode stands out due to the various obstacles that Joel has to overcome. For example, he has to rappel down steep cliffs and crawl through narrow caves to evade search teams. Additionally, Joel has to avoid patrols of armed guards who are on the hunt for him. In contrast, the Africa episode is more about staying alive in a harsh environment, dealing with extreme temperatures, and surviving without food and water.

Survival Techniques

One of the unique aspects of Lone Target is how Joel uses his survival knowledge in real-life situations. In the Africa episode, Joel demonstrates the different ways to start a fire, build shelter, and obtain water. He also showcases his tracking abilities, which come in handy when he has to locate water sources and navigate through the wilderness. In the Colombia episode, Joel relies on his camouflage skills to avoid detection and sneaks past security checkpoints without being caught.

People Encounter

While the premise of the show is that Joel is alone in the wild, there are a few instances where he interacts with locals or comes across other people. In the Africa episode, Joel meets a group of villagers who provide him with food and water, and he also encounters a herd of elephants that he has to avoid. In contrast, the Colombia episode is more about dodging drug traffickers and their associates, with Joel having to keep a low profile to avoid being detected.

Escape Plan

The ultimate goal of each episode is for Joel to reach the designated extraction point without being apprehended. In the Africa episode, Joel makes a mad dash for the pickup truck that’s waiting for him after successfully evading the hunters. In the Colombia episode, Joel has to cross a river and traverse a busy road to reach the extraction point. While both episodes have a tense ending, the Colombia episode has a bit more nail-biting suspense due to the added stakes involved in crossing the river and avoiding detection.

Opinion: Which episode is better?

It's tough to say which episode is superior as both have their strengths and weaknesses. However, we feel that the Colombia episode is slightly better due to the higher stakes and more varied challenges. The Africa episode, while still a thrilling watch, is more focused on survival techniques rather than evading pursuers. Nonetheless, both episodes are well worth watching for anyone who enjoys shows about real-life survival situations.


In summary, Lone Target is an excellent show that combines thrilling action with informative survival tips. In this article, we’ve compared two of the most exciting episodes from the series, “Africa” and “Colombia.” Both episodes offer a unique view into the challenges of surviving in harsh environments, evading pursuers and relying on your wits and knowledge to stay alive. Whether you’re an action junkie or looking to learn some survival tips, Lone Target is a show you don’t want to miss.

Table Comparison

Comparison Element Africa Episode Colombia Episode
Location Zambia Colombia
Challenges Extreme temperature, survival in hostile environment River crossing, evading armed guards, crawling through caves, rappelling down cliffs
Survival Techniques Tracking, obtaining water, starting a fire, building shelter Camouflage and evasive techniques
People Encounter Local villagers, herd of elephants Drug traffickers, security personnel
Escape Plan Reaching pickup truck Crossing river, traversing busy road

Lone Target Full Episode: A Thrilling Experience in the Wild

Lone Target is an adrenaline pumping show that takes viewers on a thrilling journey watching as a former Navy Seal, Joel Lambert, enters hostile environments and navigates through treacherous terrains while being pursued by skilled hunters or trackers. The show is a real experience of survival and showcases Lambert's skills, determination, and ingenuity to survive in the wild.

The show began airing in 2014, and since then has continued to captivate audiences worldwide. The series has had multiple seasons, with each episode showing Lambert being dropped into different locations around the world without any gear or supplies, only his skills and wits to help him survive.

In each episode, Joel Lambert is given a specific objective, and his mission is to reach a designated extraction point without being caught by his pursuers, who are typically experts in their field. The hunters and trackers use tactics such as dogs, patrol boats, and even helicopters to track down Lambert, creating an exhilarating cat-and-mouse chase between the target and pursuers.

What makes the series so captivating is Lambert's ability to adapt to new environments and use his knowledge of the land to outsmart his pursuers. The show offers viewers an insight into the hunting and tracking skills of professional trackers, as well as the personal strategies and skillset of a Navy Seal trained in evasion and survival tactics.

The show, which airs on Discovery Channel, offers an exciting and educational look at what it takes to survive in dangerous environments. It can be considered both entertaining and informative, offering viewers a glimpse into what it takes to survive in harsh conditions.

If you are a lover of adrenaline-pumping shows or genuine survival shows, Lone Target is a must-watch for you. Watching Joel Lambert navigate through hostile terrains and evade pursuers is a thrilling experience that will keep you glued to your screen from start to finish.

The Lone Target Full Episode can be viewed online, which allows viewers who missed the initial airing of the show to catch up on every episode. So, if you have not watched any episode of Lone Target or missed a few episodes along the way, now is the time to catch up.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an exciting, action-packed, and educative show, Lone Target is the perfect fit for you. The show promises to take you through an experience of a lifetime and leave you at the edge of your seats.

So, what are you waiting for? Sit back and watch the Lone Target Full Episodes today and experience the thrill of survival in the wild!

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask about Lone Target Full Episode

What is Lone Target?

Lone Target is a television series that follows Navy SEAL Joel Lambert as he tries to evade elite military forces from all over the world in different terrains.

Where can I watch Lone Target full episodes?

You can watch Lone Target full episodes on Discovery Channel or stream it on Discovery GO.

How many seasons of Lone Target are there?

There are four seasons of Lone Target, with a total of 26 episodes.

Is Lone Target real or staged?

Lone Target is a real show where Joel Lambert uses his experience as a Navy SEAL to evade elite forces. However, certain safety measures are taken to ensure the safety of everyone involved during production.

Can I learn survival skills from watching Lone Target?

While watching Lone Target can inspire and give you an idea of what to expect in different terrains around the world, it is not recommended to rely solely on the show for survival skills. It is better to take a guided course or learn from an expert in survival skills.

Who is Joel Lambert?

Joel Lambert is a former Navy SEAL who served for 10 years and earned a Bronze Star for his service in Iraq. He is also the main protagonist in Lone Target where he puts his training and skills to the test.

People Also Ask about Lone Target Full Episode

1. Where can I watch full episodes of Lone Target?

You can watch full episodes of Lone Target on various platforms including:

  • Streaming services like Netflix or Hulu
  • Cable networks that air the show
  • Purchasing episodes or seasons on platforms like Amazon Video or iTunes

2. Is Lone Target available for free online?

No, unfortunately, Lone Target is not available for free online. You will need a subscription to a streaming service or purchase the episodes to watch them legally.

3. How many seasons of Lone Target are there?

Lone Target has a total of four seasons. Each season features different missions and locations where the host, Joel Lambert, tries to evade capture by highly skilled military and law enforcement trackers.

4. Can I download Lone Target episodes to watch offline?

Yes, some streaming services like Netflix allow you to download episodes of Lone Target to watch offline. However, this feature may vary depending on the platform you are using.

5. Are there any similar shows to Lone Target?

Yes, if you enjoy Lone Target, you might also like other survival and evasion-themed shows such as:

  1. Manhunt
  2. Escape and Evasion
  3. Dual Survival
  4. Survivorman

6. Can I watch Lone Target internationally?

Yes, Lone Target has gained international popularity, and you can watch it in various countries through streaming services, cable networks, or by purchasing the episodes online.

7. How long is an average episode of Lone Target?

An average episode of Lone Target typically lasts for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour, including commercials if aired on television.

8. Is Lone Target suitable for all ages?

Lone Target is generally considered suitable for older audiences due to its intense and suspenseful nature. It may not be suitable for young children as it involves tactics used in military and law enforcement scenarios.