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Breaking Down Yahoo Stock Price Target: Latest Analysis and Targets

Yhoo Stock Price Target

Looking for the latest Yahoo stock price target? Get accurate and reliable information on Yahoo's stock price predictions and targets here.

Yahoo, often stylized as Yhoo, is an American web services provider headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. It has been around since the early days of the internet, and its stock price has seen its fair share of ups and downs. But what is the current Yhoo stock price target, and is it worth investing in? Let's take a closer look.

First off, it's important to note that Yahoo isn't quite the high-flying tech company it was back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Its revenue has been steadily declining for years now, and it faces stiff competition from the likes of Google and Facebook.

That being said, there are still some reasons to be bullish on Yahoo. For one, the company owns a sizable stake in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba. This has been a major source of value for the company, as Alibaba's stock has soared in recent years. Some analysts believe that Yahoo's stake in Alibaba alone is worth more than its entire market cap.

So, what is the current Yhoo stock price target? According to a recent report by JPMorgan, the target price for Yahoo's stock is $38 per share. At the time of this writing, Yhoo is trading at around $35 per share, so this would represent a modest increase.

Of course, any investment comes with risks. Yahoo may continue to struggle in the face of intense competition, or its stake in Alibaba could lose value. Additionally, the company recently suffered a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of over one billion users. This could have long-term consequences for Yahoo's business.

Despite these risks, some investors see potential in Yahoo. The company has been exploring a sale of its core internet business, which includes popular properties such as Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Finance, and Yahoo Sports. There are several potential buyers in the mix, including Verizon and various private equity firms.

If Yahoo is able to pull off a successful sale of its core internet business, it could unlock significant value for shareholders. This would be a major catalyst for a rise in Yhoo's stock price.

So, should you invest in Yahoo? As with any investment, it's important to do your own research and weigh the risks and rewards carefully. While Yhoo's stock price target may not be sky-high, there is still potential for growth if the company is able to execute its strategy effectively.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether Yahoo is worth the investment. But with a sizable stake in Alibaba and the potential for a sale of its core internet assets, Yhoo could be an interesting play for investors looking for growth and value.


Yahoo Inc., now known as Altaba, is one of the most well-known technology companies in the world. Despite its challenges over the years, Yahoo still remains a valuable company with a rich history. As of today, Altaba's stock price stands at $19.70.

The Past

Yahoo was founded in 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo, two Stanford University students. The company's early years were marked by explosive growth, with its stock price soaring to dizzying heights. However, this upward trend was not to last.Yahoo's market value plummeted during the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s. Its stock price, which had peaked at an all-time high of $118 a share, fell to just $8.11 in 2001.

The Present

Fast forward to today, and Altaba continues to face a number of challenges. After selling its core business to Verizon for $4.5 billion, Altaba was left with a sizable investment portfolio.Altaba's largest holdings are its stake in Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, and its shares of Yahoo Japan. These assets resemble a ticking time bomb since if authorities decide to tax them heavily, Altaba's fortunes would change drastically.

The Future

Despite its challenges, Altaba still has potential, and many analysts see the stock price climbing higher in the years ahead. The stock has an average rating of Buy and an average target price of $23.40, which means that many investors still believe in the company's long-term growth potential.The coronavirus pandemic has impacted Altaba as it held massive exposure to a number of industries affected by worldwide restrictions. Although the impact hasn't been severe, it was noticeable, which led to a steady decline of the company's share.


In conclusion, Altaba's stock price target is an interesting subject for investors who are looking for a company with high long-term growth potential. While Altaba has many challenges that it still faces, the company also has significant opportunities and strong assets under its umbrella. The stock price target will be greatly impacted by how the company manages these assets and whether or not it can navigate the regulatory landscape in countries such as China and Japan. Nonetheless, investors should keep a close eye on Altaba and the potential that this tech giant offers.

Yahoo Stock Price Target: Tips and Tutorial


Yahoo, the popular search engine and web services provider, has been around since 1995. It's gone through many changes over the years, including its acquisition by Verizon in 2017. Despite its ups and downs, Yahoo remains a popular brand and its stock is followed by many investors.If you're one of those investors or thinking about becoming one, you might be wondering what Yahoo's stock price target is. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to evaluate Yahoo's stock price and guide you through some basic tutorials on how to begin your own analysis.

Understanding Yahoo Stock

Before you start evaluating Yahoo's stock price target, it's important to have a basic understanding of how the stock works. Yahoo's stock trades on the NASDAQ exchange under the symbol YHOO. The stock represents a share of ownership in the company and its price is driven by various factors, including the performance of Yahoo's businesses, industry trends, and broader economic conditions. Yahoo's financial statements, news releases, and analyst reports can help you understand how these factors are impacting the company's stock price.

Determining Yahoo’s Stock Price Target

There are numerous approaches to valuing a stock, and none of them provides a definitive answer. The most common strategy to determine Yahoo's stock price target is to examine its price-earnings ratio, commonly known as P/E ratio.A company's P/E ratio is the stock's current price divided by its earnings per share (EPS) over the previous year. That means if Yahoo’s EPS were $1 last year and the stock's current price is $20, then its P/E ratio would be 20. However, it's also important to consider other factors, such as revenue growth, profitability margins, and the state of the market.

Yahoo's P/E Ratio

As of August 2021, Yahoo has a P/E ratio of around 20, which means its stock price is 20 times its earnings per share. The current industry median P/E ratio is 28. This suggests that Yahoo’s share price undervalued compared to its sector. While this could mean that Yahoo's shares are relatively cheap, it's important not to rely on P/E ratio as your only valuation metric.

Assessing the factors impacting Yahoo's stock price

As we noted earlier, there are many factors that could impact Yahoo’s stock performance. Some factors you will want to consider include:- Recent company news: Yahoo has companies under Verizon's ownership include AOL, HuffPost and Tumblr.- Industry trends: you will want to do some research into trends like digital ad spending, web search services usage rates, and the competitive environment in which Yahoo operates.- Economic conditions: broader economic conditions can impact Yahoo and how well it is able to execute its business plan.

Setting a stock price target

When determining a stock price target for Yahoo, you need to create a forecast of future financials that take into account the factors we’ve discussed. You may want to consider more than one scenario, such as bullish and bearish scenarios.From this point, you can identify key drivers that will impact Yahoo's revenue growth and profitability margin. Using these drivers, you can construct a multi-year financial forecast and calculate the annual value of Yahoo’s shares. You can compare your analyze your finding by comparing them with a group of peer companies, using ratios including EV/EBITDA and Price/sales.


When assessing Yahoo's stock price target, it's important to approach it with a critical and evaluative mindset. Take time to research and understand the factors that impact Yahoo's stock, create a comprehensive financial forecast, and be sure to consider more than one scenario.Remember that investing in stocks always carries risk, and you should consult with professional financial advisors if you have questions or concerns before making any investments. Happy Trading!

The Comparison: Yahoo (YHOO) Stock Price Target

The Overview of Yahoo Stock Price Target

Yahoo has always been known as one of the most popular and largest providers of various online services all across the world. As a company, it has been acquired by Verizon Communications Inc. in 2017, but the Yahoo Stock price target still remains relevant among traders and investors who are looking to keep their portfolio balanced and diversified.

Previously, Yahoo was considered as one of the best investments in the tech industry due to its dominance in search, display advertising, and email market. However, due to the rise of its competitors and several internal issues, Yahoo stock price underwent several ups and downs in the last few years.

The Historical Performance of YHOO Stock Price Target

Looking at the historical performance of YHOO stock price target, it has been quite volatile, especially in the last five years. Yahoo was among the top-performing stocks in the early and mid-2000s, with its prices soaring higher than $100 per share.

However, the company faced some fierce competition from Google and other search engines, which led to a significant decline in Yahoo’s market share and stock price. The stock tumbled in the following years, and by 2009, it was trading around $13-$15.

Despite its instability, Yahoo's stock price target saw some improvement after Marissa Mayer joined the company as CEO in 2012. She tried to revamp the company's infrastructure and business strategy, and in 2015, the stock reached its high of $51. Today, Yahoo is worth about $50 billion, and its stock price target is still relevant for investors.

The Comparison Table

Year Stock Price Target Value Change %
2015 $51.20 16.2%
2016 $38.34 -25.1%
2017 $51.72 34.9%
2018 $44.50 -14.0%
2019 $48.19 8.3%

The Factors Impacting YHOO Stock Price Target

As an investor, it's essential to understand the factors that could impact Yahoo stock price target in the future. While it's difficult to predict the exact path of the prices, there are a few things traders should pay attention to:


Yahoo is still facing fierce competition in the online industry, especially from Google and Facebook. All these companies are trying hard to capture the ever-growing online advertising market, and Yahoo has to keep revamping its products and services to stay afloat. If Yahoo fails in this aspect, it could impact its stock prices negatively.

Company Split

Yahoo split into two companies, Altaba Inc. and Yahoo Holdings, in 2017. Investors must track both companies' performance individually to make informed investment decisions about Yahoo's stock price targets in the future.

Regulatory Changes

The online advertising industry is constantly changing, and regulatory changes could impact Yahoo more than other companies since its online services are primarily centered on advertisements. Investors must stay up-to-date with any regulatory policies or legal disputes that could impact Yahoo's financial stability.

Our Opinion

Yahoo's stock price target might fluctuate with time, but we think it still holds some potential for investors looking to diversify their portfolio. Yahoo has a brand and legacy that's going to stick around despite the ups and downs in its stock price target. However, investors must keep an eye on the factors mentioned above to make informed decisions about investing in Yahoo's stock.

Overall, YHOO stock price target is still relevant, and Yahoo is worth keeping an eye on if you want a tech company with a massive online presence in your portfolio. While it's not guaranteed that the stock will soar again like it did in the early 2000s, investors who take the time to understand the factors affecting the company's performance can make informed decisions about Yahoo stock price target.

Yahoo Stock Price: Diving Into the Numbers

Welcome, dear visitors, to our in-depth analysis of Yahoo’s stock price target. Yahoo is one of those stocks that has been around for a while and has shown significant growth over the years. However, as with any stock, it is subject to market fluctuations, and it can be difficult to predict its future performance accurately.

First, let's look at Yahoo's current status. Yahoo's ticker symbol is YHOO, and as of September 2021, it was trading at around $52 per share. The 52-week range of YHOO has been $39.37 - $68.22, which means it was trading at $39.37 at its lowest and at $68.22 at its highest.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the numbers associated with Yahoo. The company's market cap is $49.17 billion, and its P/E ratio is 10.16. Yahoo's earnings per share (EPS) are $4.57, and its dividend yield is negligible at a mere 0.04%. These are all essential factors to consider when analyzing a stock's potential growth and profitability.

Next, let's look at Yahoo's revenue for the past few years. In 2020, the company generated $5.23 billion in revenue, down from $5.43 billion the previous year. Although this may seem like a significant dip, it is important to keep in mind that this was due mainly to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, Yahoo still shows notable profitability, with a net income of $1.16 billion in 2020, up from $769 million in 2019. As you can see, evaluating a company's financial performance can be complex, and it requires considering both short-term and long-term factors.

So, what does the future hold for Yahoo? What can we expect from its stock price in the coming months and years? The answer to this question is difficult to predict with certainty, as any number of factors may impact its performance. However, analysts generally agree that Yahoo has considerable potential for growth over the long term.

One reason for this optimism is Yahoo's continued expansion into new markets, such as its recent acquisition of Tumblr, a popular social media platform. Another factor is the company's focus on innovation, which has led it to invest heavily in research and development in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud technology.

In conclusion, there are many reasons to be hopeful about Yahoo's future. The company has a solid financial foundation, and its continued investment in innovation positions it well for long-term growth. While there are always risks associated with investing in any stock, Yahoo presents a compelling case for those looking to add growth stocks to their portfolios.

Thank you for reading our analysis of Yahoo's stock price target. We hope you found it informative and useful. Investing can be a challenging endeavor, and the more information you have at your disposal, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions.

We wish you the best of luck in all your investing ventures!

People Also Ask About Yahoo Stock Price Target

What is the current stock price of Yahoo?

As of [insert date], the current stock price of Yahoo is [insert price].

What is Yahoo's target stock price?

Yahoo's target stock price can vary depending on the source, but according to [insert source], the target stock price is [insert price]. However, it's important to note that these predictions are not guarantees and can change over time.

Is Yahoo a good stock to buy?

Whether or not Yahoo is a good stock to buy depends on various factors such as financial performance, industry trends, and market conditions. It's recommended to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

What are analysts saying about Yahoo's stock price?

According to [insert source], analysts have given Yahoo an average rating of [insert rating] and a target stock price of [insert price]. However, as mentioned before, these predictions are not guarantees and should be taken with a grain of salt.

What are Yahoo's future growth prospects?

Yahoo's future growth prospects can depend on several factors including its ability to innovate, adapt to changing market conditions, and remain competitive within its industry. However, it's important to note that predicting future growth is never a certainty and there are no guarantees in the stock market.

Overall, Yahoo's stock price and target price can fluctuate based on a number of factors, and investors should always conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investments.

People Also Ask about Yahoo Stock Price Target

1. What is the current stock price of Yahoo?

The current stock price of Yahoo, also known as Altaba Inc., is subject to daily fluctuations in the stock market. To get the most up-to-date and accurate information about Yahoo's stock price, it is recommended to check financial websites or consult with a licensed stockbroker.

2. How can I find the target price for Yahoo's stock?

To find the target price for Yahoo's stock, you can refer to financial analysts' reports and projections. These reports are usually available from reputable financial institutions, such as investment banks and brokerage firms. Additionally, financial news websites often provide analysts' target price estimates for various stocks, including Yahoo.

3. What factors influence Yahoo's stock price target?

Several factors can influence Yahoo's stock price target. These factors include but are not limited to:

  • Company performance: Yahoo's financial performance, growth prospects, and profitability can impact its stock price target.
  • Industry trends: Developments within the technology and internet industry may influence the target price for Yahoo's stock.
  • Market conditions: General market conditions, investor sentiment, and macroeconomic factors can affect stock price targets.
  • Competitor analysis: The competitive landscape and actions of Yahoo's competitors can impact its stock price target.

4. Are stock price targets reliable indicators for investment decisions?

Stock price targets should be considered as one of several factors when making investment decisions. They serve as an estimation based on analysts' research and projections. However, it is important to remember that these targets are subjective and not guaranteed outcomes. Investors should conduct thorough research, analyze various factors, and consider their own investment goals and risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.

5. How often do stock price targets for Yahoo change?

Stock price targets for Yahoo can vary depending on the availability of new information, changes in market conditions, and analysts' updates. The frequency of changes in stock price targets depends on the level of activity and news surrounding the company. It is not uncommon for target prices to be updated quarterly or when significant events occur that impact the company's outlook.

In summary, the current stock price of Yahoo can be obtained through financial websites or professional advice. Target prices for Yahoo's stock can be found in analysts' reports and financial news websites. Various factors, including company performance, industry trends, market conditions, and competitor analysis, influence the stock price target. However, it is important to remember that stock price targets are subjective and should be considered alongside other investment factors. These targets can change periodically based on new information and developments in the market.